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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Writing Essays for Law: Essay Help for Law Students

Your introduction: have an argument The cardinal essay help rule for writing an essay is to have some type of argument which is consistent and developed throughout your work. That argument should form the main point of your introduction. This article highlights our essay help tips. You can buy custom essays from The Uni Tutor. When we say an “argument”, we’re not meaning an idea that is original. To the contrary, you needn’t worry about coming up with something nobody’s ever though about writing before. Our next essay help tip is that reading a few articles in random journals will quickly disabuse you of (a) the possibility of doing such a novel thing, and (b) the need. What we mean by “argument” is just a perspective on the topic that answers the question as a type of umbrella concept for all the points and analysis your essay will go on to do for the next two-ten thousand words. Don’t get us wrong – if you’re working in a new area of the law and you can be original, then go for it.

The point is that in core subjects (such as criminal law, administrative law etc) where you are working with topic areas upon which there’s already a lot of work, you’ll be assessed much more on your ability to analyse the different concepts, cases and secondary material within the topic, rather than whether your argument is of the e=mc2 variety. What’s required is really a simple, overarching perspective. For example, for an essay on “discuss the accessibility of the legal system to unrepresented litigants”, an introduction (and hence your argument) might look like this: The level of accessibility of the courts to litigants depends on a variety of factors, including: the kind of forum and the complexity of legal matters involved; access to representation, or the unrepresented litigant’s own competence to represent him/herself; and the litigant’s treatment by the judiciary and opposing counsel. As a result, the accessibility of courts varies according to each case, and each litigant.

It is fundamental to note however, that courts are significantly less accessible, and pose more problems and disadvantages to unrepresented litigants than they do to represented litigants. As a further essay help example (and this time for an essay requiring substantial reference to secondary materials), on the topic of “discuss whether reforms are needed for establishing criminal liability for corporate entities”, the argument of one student was as simple as “the means of establishing criminal liability for corporate entities should be expanded”. The introduction looked like this:

The current framework for corporate liability, based on the identification theory is inadequate for a number of reasons. Since a corporation can only be convicted of manslaughter if an employee embodying the company can be identified as guilty of manslaughter, there is no attention paid to the concept of “organisational blameworthiness”, management failure, the diffused nature of responsibility for decision-making in large and medium sized organisations, or the fact that “in almost all cases the act or omission will be that of [a] person…fairly low in the hierarchy”. Finally, the requirement that fault be identified as residing in one individual makes no allowance for aggregation of acts by employees so as to demonstrate that the corporation as an entity may have been grossly negligent. The means of establishing criminal liability for corporate entities should therefore be expanded. You can buy custom essays from The Uni Tutor. Mark Johnsons is an expert on the topic Essay Help. He always strives to bring good advice on how to get an Essay Writing Service online.


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