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Monday, August 26, 2013

Tips for Good Essay Writing

Essay writing is a wonderful experience if the writer is a student of humanities. Writing essays not only hone up one's skill as a writer, but also improves the style of writing. In order to write a good essay the writer needs to analyse the topic or the subject of essay critically. Good analysis paves way for good insight on the subject which leads to good interpretation, and finally a good essay emerges out of nowhere. Before giving expression to one's own thoughts, the writer can very well go through sample essays on the same topic from books and journals and even from the internet if he or she wants to. The writer has to keep in mind that he/she is only looking for ideas in the reference materials. An essay writer should never borrow consecutive phrases and sentences from the resource materials since such an activity is the other name for plagiarism. The essay should always be an original writing of the writer.

He/she may be influenced by any other article while writing his/her essay, but he /she can never copy from the source article. If the writer borrows a quotation he/she should definitely cite the source of the quotation along with the name of the person who is being quoted, in the reference section of the essay. The reference section comes usually at the end of the essay. An essay can have multiple paragraphs. The division of the paragraphs should be taken care of. One cannot begin a new paragraph whenever he/she feels like adding one. Every new paragraph should convey a new thought, and at the same time there should be a logical connection between the previous paragraph and the next.

This coherence is very important for the integrity of the essay. A good essay begins with a fitting introduction. The introductory paragraph should be brief, and it should convey in few well chosen words what the essay is all about. The argument of the essay needs to be cited very effectively in the first paragraph. Economy of words is very important in essay writing service since the space and scope of writing is limited. If the essay is based on a particular issue, then the issue has to be established effectively, and, if needed, with claims and evidences. The essay has to be objectively written. The writer's subjective understanding and opinions should not dominate the essay.

The writer can always uphold some critical views on the topics, if possible. Presenting good critiques are one of the important features of an attractive essay. The other most important thing is the conclusion. In conclusion, the writer should summarise all the ideas analysed in the essay. The writing style should not differ from one paragraph to the next, and the writing should be attractive. It is not necessary that the essay has to contain bombastic words. An essay is most attractive if written in simple and lucid language. Following these tips one becomes an essayist out of any ordinary writer.


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